Publicado: Breathe in… Breathe out…

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Esta vez he vuelto a sonidos más cañeros, garajeros, y he hecho un tema digno (espero!) de los Foreign Characters…

En principio me quedan por componer y grabar solo dos temas para tener el disco completo… una vez hechos, me pondré a revisar el audio de todos los temas en conjunto, decidiré el orden, nombre definitivo y portada y los publicaré como album probablemente ya para verano…

Como siempre dejo la letra por aquí:

Breathe in, Breathe out
 Right now I wanna get 
 away, before I start to tear it all down
 some say it’s best to let it all out
 keep nothing inside
 no matter who you hurt just flow
 And yeah, I feel the temptation to 
 explode, sometimes a cigarrete is not enough
 to keep it all inside and safe
 to be there for the ones I love
 there’s gotta be a better way

 I breathe in, i breathe out, again and again
 I close my eyes, to look inside, I see the burning flame
 And when I need to I scream out loud, feel the pain and
 cry, cry, cry until my eyes run dry
 there’s no one out there I can blame
 what can I do to
 make the pain go away?

 breathe in, breathe out, feel the pain inside
 once again, see myself, take charge of my life
 no need to hurt, no one else, what I need I got
 keep breathing in, then breathing out, some day it’ll all calm down
 calm down...